Our Programs: Before and After School
5-12 Years Old
What to do after a long day at school?
Our before and after-school program offers the school age child a break from the school day – a place to relax with friends and opportunities to explore, grow and learn in a safe, secure environment.
Children stay busy and stimulated by a wide range of weekly planned, child-directed activities in which fun and learning go hand-in-hand:
• Discovery Zone – science and the environment
• Drama Zone – art and drama
• Open Air Zone – games and group activities
• Construction Zone – cooking, crafts and hobbies
• Social Zone – Games and books
•A hot meal upon arrival
•Homework Help
•School holiday field trips
•Summer Camp
** The Zones are interest clubs where students explore science and the environment, art, drama, games and group activities, cooking, crafts, computers, games and literacy